The KOAN-PI is a personality questionnaire that is used in recruitment, career guidance, personal development, coaching and team evaluation.
In this report we provide a detailed description of a number of competencies and points for attention based on the result of the KOAN personality questionnaire. For each competence we have listed a number of behavioural descriptions that reflect the personality of the subject of this report.
Focus: one’s strong points and weaknesses within developing a professional career.
The competencies have been classified according to the following themes:
Note that the scores indicate a likelihood but that they are not an exact measurement of the subject’s current behaviour. They do however give a strong indication that the behaviour described in the strengths will energise the subject and that this behaviour is spontaneous. The behaviour described under the points for attention will interfere with the subject’s success in certain circumstances and may at times greatly irritate the subject’s environment.
The report consists of 3 parts that complement each other.
First part: A graphical representation of skills so that you can quickly see where the strengths and the points for attention are situated.
Second part: Strengths: in this section you will find a number of skills which are clearly an asset.
Third part: Points for attention: in this section you will find a number of skills which clearly interfere with the subject’s efficient performance.
To want to contribute to a better world through our support of People and Organisations with the best Talent Instruments, Reports, Guidance and Co-creation.