
Work force solutions for white collar professionals. Customized end-to-end employment solutions for business expansion. Assessment expertise enabling your company to readily connect with the right candidates. Actively working as experts with an understanding of local market conditions across all major industries.

Temporary assignments

Contingent and outsourced professionals represent a flexible work force solution for project based assignments, business peaks, temporary leaves, mass recruitment or start up teams. Our focus on while collars profiles represents an opportunity for matching candidates in a faster and professional recruitment and admin experience. .

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Candidate market visibility remains a competitive advantage on a candidate driven market. Our sourcing strategy together with the recruitment methodology are aiming to save time for our clients, break geographical limitations and bring objectivity in the decision process. We are proactively consolidating a candidate data base, structured on competences and personal abilities in order to manage both candidate and clients expectations. .

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Assessment / Training / Coaching

It is time and need, more than even, to contribute to a better world by giving people and organizations support their growth and cooperation. Here we want to work on the development of tools, optimizing processes, and offering services to learn about their talents or those of employees, optimally utilize and develop it further. We accompany participants as they put together the puzzle of their talents and development areas using a wide scale of practical exercises and tools, each time with extensive feedback and challenging questions. We then guide the participants as they work out their personal action plan based on the insights gained with a focus on their professional development. .

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We are taking our HR expert position as a commitment to our candidates and clients. Our advising role adds value to background information in order to answer specific business objectives. Matching internal expectations to candidate market dynamics in real time helps your better assess and place outcomes in time and volume. .

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Payroll processing

Outsourcing your payroll can save you time, helping you to gain efficiency through easy to access data management. Our software solution enhances visibility and communication, offering reporting capabilities across the organization for your internal stakeholders. .

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Payrolling services

Temps has the role of an Employer of record for our Clients, administrating on the client’s behalf an external head count. The contingent team will represents a smaller hassle by decreasing workload processing, customizing to specific needs for consistency, accuracy and compliance. Our self service platform enhance instant visibility and communication for employees and HR admin. .

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