Who we are?

Why choose simplicity if you can tackle complexity?

Când analizăm comportamentul oamenilor, întâlnim contradicții similare. Acesta este unul dintre motivele pentru care acest termen ne-a atras atât de puternic când am căutat să ne denumim instrumentul de evaluare a personalității.

Temps HR is partnering AMC to increase value of conscious interactions and ways to grow.

Alert Management Consultants, since 1992 is your specialist in HR tools, training, consulting and competency management. Your partner in the co-creation of optimal tailor made solution for your organization and your internal or external clients.

Alert MC operates at the intersection of People and Organizations. We support you with:


We define the goals together with the client at the outset, ranging from better addressing challenges in the context of the organization to specific personal projects. During the coaching sessions, we work with the coachee to develop new strategies to successfully address these specific challenges.

In coaching programs for organizations, we determine the goals together with the stakeholders at the start of the coaching and provide exchange moments during and after the coaching about the progress and results with the coachee and the stakeholders.


You can call on us for a complete Assessment Center for your candidates or your internal employees in the context of selection or internal promotion. Beforehand, we discuss with you both your expectations of the position and its content and the questions you have about the Assessment Center participant.

On this basis, we determine the specific set-up with corresponding questionnaires and concrete exercises. At the end of the session, the participant receives extensive feedback. You as the client receive both a written report and a verbal explanation.

Full 360° based leadership programs

One of the most valuable things you can receive as a leader is candid feedback. And when it comes from multiple sources and based on a carefully crafted questionnaire, it becomes even more valuable as input for professional growth.

Over the past decades, we have gained a broad experience in guiding 360° feedback, individually and for groups. We are happy to put this experience at your service so that your Leaders can better identify, value and develop their potential.

Development Center

We accompany participants as they put together the puzzle of their talents and development areas using a wide scale of practical exercises and tools, each time with extensive feedback and challenging questions. We then guide the participants as they work out their personal action plan based on the insights gained with a focus on their professional development.

During a meeting with all parties involved, the participant discusses this action plan where we support the participant with explanation, advice and the transfer of ownership of the development process to the participant and the organization.

What we learn, we share.

Our commitment is to develop state-of-the-art HR tools and reports that support you in people-focused development guidance and decision making.

Our clients are both organizations and consultants with whom we co-create solutions that best suit their internal and external customers.


Which instrument suits your purpose?

Assessment & Development Center …

Coaching …

Team Building …

Selection & Promotion …

Leadership Development …

Entrepreneur Talent Development …


To want to contribute to a better world through our support of People and Organisations with the best Talent Instruments, Reports, Guidance and Co-creation.